QL Update: Premium Pack 5
It’s that time of year again, where people gather together, share precious moments and blast each other to pieces. Yes I’m talking about the Quake Live Winter Holiday season, those few weeks where we have Christmas-tinted maps. For the second time around, Silent Night is being spawned all over the place, but it’s not only CTF that’s treated to a winter map, also oldskool map The Edge sees the light of day, and may I say a very bright light since it has many cute decorations, aimed to cheer you up while gibbing or freezing opponents. And not just that, you can do it as Santa himself!
Double Impact and Overlord were added as Premium Content in this 5th update pack.
Overlord is huge!
Returning from Team Arena, the classic castle-marathon-castle map where haste really is a crucial item, perhaps in combination with the flight holdable which serves as a usable jetpack. Obviously a map meant for public massive slaughter (and laughter? 😉 )
On the other hand, we have Double Impact, remains to be seen if this can be played competitively since the structure of this map, at first sight, is very confusing. It’ll take the players a while to find the optimal escape routes, take countermeasures for these routes and perhaps exploit one of the many sideways to move around this map. Sure looks like a fun map, made by ShadoW (Leviathan and Dreadful Place). Watch out for those tele-runs!
A 3rd Premium-only map is Tornado, targetting TDM, CA and FT. 2on2 will be boring, the map is rather stretched out and loaded with many items: mega, red/yellow/green, battlesuit and quad! So 4on4 will do the trick just fine. Tornado comes from Swelt, who also made Hektik, a well appreciated competitive map, so perhaps this is a nice followup to enrich the mappools in various leagues and tournaments.
Winter Holiday Season maps!
Hooray for the return of Silent Night, joined by Winter’s Edge. These maps need little introduction: Silent Night being a monster of a terrain map, loads of ice to skate on and many items to stock up on that you will need if you ever hope to bring home the flag. Winter’s Edge, a Christmas-tuned version of golden oldie The Edge, available for all to play in FFA and FT. I hope that someone is secretly building a Xmas edition of Double Edged, the ctf version we also had in Quake 4. You know, because CTF owns :p (but I doubt it’ll happen *wink* idsoftware *wink*!!!)
Also, play as Santa, which is a modified Biker skin. Select it from the ingame menu, or via console: /model santa (or cg_forceenemymodel santa if you wish to kill the good man!)
![]() Silent Night |
![]() Winter’s Edge |
Oh, and I like the wink to the Strogg on Winter’s Edge!
“First step” updates
A few “first step” updates as I’d like to call them, updates that are just showing the tip of the iceberg of what these functionalities could mean if worked out fully (or at least more):
- Premium Duel Scoreboard: this board shows extra match data: per-weapon accuracy, damage, frags, item pickup information. Sadly this data does not reflect in the matchreports onsite afterwards, only on the ingame scoreboard. Hence why I call it a first-step as I hope these changes can get reflected onto the matchreports, and not just for duel!
- Clan profiles: click on the clantag in a playerprofile to get more info about his clan. Again a first step, as idsoftware themselves say this will evolve in a clan management section. I can only encourage this!
Other stuff includes several map updates, r_mapOverbrightCap to cap the maximum brightness of surfaces when altered by r_mapOverbrightBits, a few new awards and some other things you can read about in the full changelog.
Definitely worth listing, and I didn’t mention this before until I read about it on ESR, is Anhedonic pointing out there are 9 (well, 10 if you include the missing texture crosshair 😉 ) new crosshairs available to the player. Try them out using cg_drawcrosshair 11-20.
More info:
- December 14th, 2010 newspost
- Quake Live on IRC in #quakelive and #quakelive.support (Quakenet)
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Thanks to Badb0y for pointing out the crosshair thingy and that Tornado was made by Swelt, which I initially didn’t mention and I still can’t figure out why not… lol