The first ever European Quake Live Nations cup officially started January 19th 2009, which is about 2 weeks ago.
A total of 16 teams will be competing in 4 groups for a total of 8 tickets to the playoffs in March.
The winning team takes home the bragging rights ànd an honorable spot on the “No Hunting Sign” (which is basicly just a road sign with the signatures of the whole id software crew on it 😛 ). Read More
After reading this interesting article “2009 is looking dry” by Peter Molyneux, head of Lionhead Studios, I wondered what games could be Quake Live’s rivals in 2009.
Any interesting games recently?
Honestly there haven’t been any good sci-fi first person shooters for ages. I might be exaggerating but actually there hasn’t been any good one since Quake III Arena back in 1999. Well, actually I enjoyed one FPS game, namely PainKiller. The game was really bad out-of-the box but when it was elected as the 2005 CPL worldtour game it had the support it needed to become a good game.
Other FPS games like Doom 3, Quake 4, Unreal Tournament 3 … never really broke through. Those games were all made very well but they missed too many features to remain interesting on the long run.
The real success games in the last few years were all realistic shooters like Mohaa, CS, COD1-5, battlefield, … Read More
Duels have always been considered as the ultimate test of one’s Quake skills. No teammates to fall back on, nobody but yourself to blame and nothing but one goal in your mind: to crush and humiliate the opponent! *grins*
Of course, if you want to increase the odds of winning you are going to need some kind of a plan. Each map requires a different approach or tactic, yet there are definitely some general strategy concepts that apply to all maps as well.
In this post I will give a basic introduction and discuss some important strategies for the 1v1 Quake Live duel. Let’s start by going over the very basic rules. Read More
The whole world is suffering from the financial crisis. To give you an idea: since the start of the recession, the number of unemployed persons has grown by 3,6 million in the US.
Company Cutbacks
Companies start cutting on their expenses to cope with this financial crisis. The same goes for the computer business and gaming industries who are making decisions to deal with this extraordinary situation.
First there was the news that EA closes Black Box and they plan to reduce their worldwide work force by approximately 10 per cent or 1.000 people. Then I found the news that Microsoft plans to cut up to 15.000 jobs worldwide. Read More
Changing the crosshair colors to your personal preference has proven to be very important to many quakers, considering the many requests for this feature. Now that id software has installed this feature you can easily apply it by either changing your menu settings or updating your personal quake live config. To change the Quake Live Read More
Team chat may not always be as fun as yelling at each other, so a public Ventrilo or Teamspeak server might come in handy sometimes. In a quest for fame, the more than generous bl1nk decided that he might as well give out the data for his unused Ventrilo server. With about 3 months left, Read More
Holysh1t is currently one of the biggest public Quake Live communities out there with on average 200 people at and over 1500 people visiting the website on a daily basis.
Yet we still have the ambition to do much more than we’re already doing. Besides beginner guides, interviews and strategy discussion we also wish to provide event coverage, organize our own online tournaments and who knows what else.
But to achieve all this we need help from the people within this community. We can’t do everything by ourselves anymore and we would like to get as much enthusiastic people on board as possible! Read More
Unfortunately, as of 17/12/2013 this is no longer possible. Quake Live is Windows only. Yes you can! Just visit the Quake Live website and follow the on screen instructions! As tested with timedemos on dualboot machines it is actually proven that the Linux version is faster than the Windows version! So if you are using Read More’s TDM Euro Open cup has started a while ago and quite a few matches have been played already.
24 teams, like Satan’s Proxies,
team k1ck,
Elite Squad,
MiEL GAMiNG, have signed up to compete in this Quake Live Euro Open cup. Read More
We at recently added the new Quake Live on IRC section to the website. On this page we plan to list several IRC channels relevant to the game, mainly focusing on nation communities and clan channels. We managed to gather quite a bunch already, yet feel free to submit more! Read More
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