Frag Dominant decided to host a 2v2 Quake 3 cup. Together with this cup, Frag Dominant interviewed 3 well known players – Brian ‘DKT‘ Flander,
Chance ‘chance‘ Lacina &
Shane ‘Rapha‘ Hendrixson – about the cup, Quake 3 and also the future of Quake with Quake Live. Read More
Where is Quake Live heading? Why did the id software crew decide to remake an old game that’s basicly the same as the original? Every day in the private beta forums people ask questions that have been answered on numerous occasions already. That’s why I thought it might be worth bringing up an old interview gaming journalist Carmac conducted with the Quake Live producer Marty Stratton, about 5 months ago at the SK Gaming website . Read More
The new guys might have seen Derfel playing in our pickups. The veterans will surely remember him from the famous Quake III CTF team “Gunzoids” as well.
Now playing for the Dutch-based team LowLandLions in the GGL CTF cup, we wanted to sit down and have a chat with Derfel.
Can you start by telling a bit about yourself?
I’m 27, and live in Bristol, England. I am running my own PC build/repair/tuition business from home while I wait for my girlfriend to finish her teacher training and find out where we’re going to live! Read More