What FOV do you use in Quake Live? [POLL]
One of the classic discussions in just about any First Person Shooter revolves around the FOV people use.
The Field of View (or FOV) is a setting you can change which determines how much of the map is visible to you. To change your FOV in Quake Live just open the console and type cg_fov 100, or any other value between 75 (close-up) and 130 (great map overview). The standard FOV in Quake Live is 90.
Some say a low FOV will improve your accuracy. Others say a high FOV allows more flexibility and improves your movement. There are definitely several arguments possible for both low and high FOVs:
Favorite gamemode
- CA (31%, 16 Votes)
- Duel (25%, 13 Votes)
- FFA (14%, 7 Votes)
- CTF (12%, 6 Votes)
- TDM (12%, 6 Votes)
- Other (4%, 2 Votes)
- FT (2%, 1 Votes)
Total Voters: 51

High FOV (100 +)
- Gives you a better overview of the map
- Allows better movement
- Adds the illusion of more speed
Low FOV (below 100)
- Allows you to aim better
- Limits the visibility of map elements
Now, to get the discussion going… What do you think is the optimal FOV for Quake Live? Share your thoughts by voting in the poll or leaving a comment! This poll will run until the end of March.
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I don’t know really, long time ago in q3 i started with 90 as everybody did, then discovered fov, and went for 110 thinking it would increase the view area so as such increase reaction time to ingame situations. All good apart that my distance aim went down the drain, and I’ve never really been a good railer to begin with.
So wanting to improve that distance aim, i lowered it to 105 and stuck to it a very long time. But it was still not good enough imo so i stepped down 1 per 1 until i found my personal win-win on 97. Might seem weird and sometimes in hectic close combat with multiple players I lose a bit of sight where everybody is, but my rail accuracy went up from 20 to 30+. This still does not make it my favorite weapon (by far) but at least now I felt it had its use as a gun. Before it felt less efficient than gauntlet 😀
So now once again, 97 in quakelive and I have yet to experiment with higher fov. I find gaming also different because I always played q3 (well, the last 2-3 years) on 1280*1024 on a 17″ lcd and now I have it on a 15.4″ widescreen so 16:9 vs 4:3 also felt different at start.
But I think my sensitivity vs fov vs widescreen now has settled to be pretty stable for me, so I’ll stick to that 🙂
I use FOV 110, I believe it’s a good balance between movement and aim.
*edit* after checking, apparently I play on fov 100 🙂
Yeah, I got 110 FOV as well (on a 16$$ x 9$$ resolution).
Years ago, in Quake 3, I used to change my fov nonstop to try and find the optimal fov.
In Quake Live however I just set it at 110 and left it there, without ever even thinking about it 😀
I rely more on my movement instead of aim though.. so thats probably why I prefer 110 instead of a lower fov like 90.
I bump less into walls when my fov is a bit higher.
Perspective is a key word here. I can think of no game that has its Field Of View based on human peripheral vision as standard. For PC games the general default of FOV is 90 degrees (measured horizontally). So there is less to see of whats going on around you in essence it is tunnel vision.
I’m at 110 after years at 115…
Well, I should try and pump it up to 105 where I used to be, or even evaluate the 110 value, just to see whether Mal has a point of “bumping less into walls”, because often enough I feel like a pinball with glue: hitting every corner of every pole/bridge/wall/jump and being too slow in getting away.
Then again, force of habit is strong with humans, and as such also with me 🙂
I use 112.
I would actually prefer to use 120 or so as my movement feels a lot better and i dont hit into walls and stuff as much(as said before :D). My accuracy at distance however is terrible with a higher fov.
What would you recommend a newbie to start practicing on to play with that fov for the rest of his life.
I mean a noob doesnt have to suffer his aim fucking up since he had no aiming skill to begin with.
Discuss, please.
I would suggest to try different ones m1pe and try to find your balance between movement and aim. I imagine its different for everyone, just try out different values until you feel comfortable.
Maybe start at 110 and go up or down depending on how it affects your aim/movement.
Hey m1pe, take up some CA practice with some bots with 120 FOV and just use the rocket for a while and see how things go, you’d be surprised how things seem a little weird but natural at first.
Then try 110 and see if you can use all the weapons.. after a while your aim will adjust but your movement will seem more fluid…
Interesting fact really,… one of the all time best players in the world (ZeRo4) used a fov of 90… so it seems like it really is very personal what a good fov is.
anyone remember fisheye quake?
Never saw that lol.
Did that work like, in Quake 3?
Higher FOV, in my opinion, is really the way to go. In pretty much all mods, mainly CTF, movement is really important, and I honestly think the best way for each person to go about finding their own perfect FOV is to go from 90 to 120 trying one and seeing what you like best. Remember, it might not be a matter of what you like best, rather a matter of how high of an FOV you can handle. I know some people who can’t see much when they use 120, so they’ll go to something they can manage like 110.
Higher fov imo 106++ is great for precision aiming w/ rockets the wider the field the easier it can be for you to line up your shots. Just all depends on what works for your eyes the best.
I think it depends on what you’re doing. I’m a diehard CTF player and a flag runner to boot. In turn, I can’t imagine using anything less than 125. I use a slight zoom fov of 60 in conjunction for better aim. I’m definitely a zoom whore, but need to see what’s going on around me when I’m running the flag.
105 here. 🙂 Used to use 110 in Quake 3, but for some reason the same value in Quake Live seems even wider.
I think the difference in movement with FOV became clear to me when I did defrag and flagruns in particular. I think I remember doing like at least a second better as soon as I increased my FOV from 110 to 130. Because you’re just going so fast sometimes you really a good overview of the map.
Yet when you’re playing regular quake live with guns as well, you rly need a balance, so I think 110 is a pretty good one.
I use 142 personally because in the below 100 FOV’s, the weapons seem a little to fat. I like the weapon hanging a little bit more down. Also better for seeing a little bit more of the map. Thats all.
You could try playing like a real man and turn the weapon models off.
cg_gunz -5 🙂
also.. the maximum is 130 😀
LOL @ fisheye
250: Fov 200 is for wimps! noone escapes my view muhahaha!
ps: I’m at 105 for a looong time now 🙂
I use fov 96 (800×600) currently but for a long time in q3 and early ql I used 100-105. I think one of the main attractions to higher fov is the way it makes moving feel faster and smoother, I also used 120 once upon a time.
For new players I would definitely recommend using 90-100 tops for a good while before raising it any higher because it’s easier to raise feel than it is to lower it. Why? Because lower fov makes you feel fat and slow, it makes your crosshair/aim feel chunky (like zoom) and higher in sens even though it actually takes more mouse movemement to do a full turn – therefor meaning you cant turn around as quickly/far without raising sens (when it already feels faster).
Hope this helps 🙂
it?s easier to raise FOV***** than it is to lower it.
Cant play with less then 130 :/
I use 120.
Used to be at 125. :]
CTF runner, so need illusion of speed 😮
i use 360 and im pro
I use 990,its very good
i use 107.5
im using 140, great movement and aim comes with skill no matter what fov you use, if you fov is perfect for your movement then your aim will be great too 🙂
but like others have said keep playing around with your fov and see witch one is best for you. for both close up and long range shots i use 140 and have stuck with it and i rape 🙂
also running a wide screen 1600×900
I prefer FOV GE 100 in standard view (in zoom I prefer FOV LE 50 for better aim).
I also run the game with 640×480 screensize, because this is better for slower PC.
i like turtles
125 for 16:9 and 110 for 4:3
I used this for years, ends up feeling bad on over games which lock FOV under 110.
Even Urban Terror is capped at 110.
Quakelive and ET for the way!
I use a 130 fov and mi overall railgun accuracy is 37%(at +1000 frags with it),meaning that if you practice enough you’ll get better no matter what fov your using ;D
if you have problems with not seeing your opponent from a distance because of your crosshair size lower it bi typing this in the console cg_crosshair size 0 to infinite ;D