House of Quake leagues
Promoting community efforts is a noble thing. Therefore it is required to publish about as many competitions as possible, just to keep all your free time occupied by playing Quake Live!
And speaking of “keeping busy”, that’s exactly what the House of Quake tries to do with their 3 leagues for Quake Live: Duel, 2vs2 Clan Arena and 3vs3 Clan Arena.
Short summary for all gametypes:
- Best of 3
- All clanleaders have to be in the irc channel
- First matchweek starts Monday 5th of April
- Map pools: (Please note the differences for 2-player and 3-player CA!)
Duel CA 2vs2 CA 3vs3 Campgrounds Redux (qzdm6)
Lost World (qzdm13)
Furious Heights (qztourney7)
Blood Run (ztntourney1)
House of Decay (qztourney9)House of Pain (qzdm2)
Arena of Death (qzdm3)
Forgotten Place (qzdm5)
Campgrounds Redux (qzdm6)
Proving Grounds (qztourney2)
Vertical Vengeance (qztourney4)
Hell’s Gate Redux (qztourney5)
Asylum (qzca1)Campgrounds Redux (qzdm6)
Hidden Fortress (qzdm20)
Arena of Death (qzdm3)
Hell’s Gate Redux (qztourney5)
Hell’s Gate (qztourney3)
Vertical Vengeance (qztourney4)
Asylum (qzca1)
Signups are closing soon on the 31st of March so if your team has some free time in their agenda, then sign up for the leagues of your choice!
Good luck and above all good fun to all participants!
There will be prizes for the 2vs2 CA tournament, very nice! (Details on the 2vs2 cup page) and hoping for a prize for the Duel Champion as well *thumbs-up*
- House of Quake home
- House of Quake leagues page
- #HoQLeagues on Quakenet IRC
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Awesomeness, cheers LashKnife owe you one 🙂
yay i signed for the duel! 🙂